6 augustus 2024

JijenZij & Kamps de Wild

“I got to know JijenZij through a smart campaign. I received a beautiful erasable note pad, with a personalized message. I found it to be a great approach, hence I agreed to meet in person.

After speaking Yordan and Thalita, I knew we were likeminded people and could help each other in some way of form. At that moment I didn’t have personnel needs from a vacancy stand point, but with multiple changes in the organization and strategy, internally things needed a change.

We opted to create a development plan for my colleagues in Finance, which started with Scans according to functions. This allowed me to see hidden qualities and areas of strength and improvement. This allowed a sensible restructure in tasks and responsibilities, so everyone could be closer to its area of expertise or interest.

I received the full support of JijenZij, both with 1 on 1 interviews to keep the scans as independent as possible, as well as providing me with the opportunity to speak the developer of the Scan tool to ask further questions.

This first Development initiative has been well appraised by the participants, also identifying by themselves the importance on continuous learning.

In order to keep strengthening the team, together with JijenZij, we developed a Training and Integration program, where we will touch upon important topics related to the Finance role now and in the fast approaching future. Data analysis, use of new tools, AI, ESG/CSRD requirements, among other topics will serve as a base and we will link these developments with our way of working.

Once heard a phrase which will continue to be the motto which I work by: A CFO asked its CEO, “what if we invest in people and they leave?” To which the CEO answered, “what if we don’t and they stay?”.

Thank you JijenZij for helping and providing the support needed to create a better team.